Small Businesses Loans

Small Businesses Loans

This type of loan is offered for the sole purpose of creating employment opportunities in the region, whether it is a retail business or a business-based business, to small businesses that are already operating successfully but need additional capital when they want to upgrade to small businesses, either agricultural activities.

Small Businesses Loans Detail

Individual loans can also be used to lend money to at least one or two members of a group, even those who lend frequently to expand their small businesses. When lending money, not only the insurance certificates of the other members, but also the leaders of the loan group, and the insurance certificates of the head of the household and the other head of the household who can provide guarantees are required.

Savings Policy

To encourage members to develop the practices and habits of fundraising.

To satisfy the financial needs of enterprises.

To offer care for families' urgent needs.

Deposit amount –  200 kyats per 100,000 at 5%

Times –  Twice a week

Interest rate  –  15% per year

Withdrawal amount –  Before 2021, loans were provided for 75% of the principal and interest amount, but after that year, loans are only issued if the loan is not repaid. Only issues involving the member’s health or the issues of their families must be provided.

Interest Rates

Only the official interest rate set by the Microfinance Department is used by the company to calculate the loan's interest. It is 28% of the annual loan.